Hindi Divas was celebrated in GRV PU College on September 29, 2018 with great zeal and enthusiasm. Mr. Gyanchand Marmargya, a renowned Hindi Poet and well-known Writer graced the occasion as a chief guest. The Program commenced with the Lightning of Lamp by Mr. Gyanchand Marmargya, Mr. Gururaj (President, GRV Group of Institutions), Mr. Munir Ahmed (Academic Director, GRV Academy) and Principals of GRV Group of Institutions. Program started with welcome speech by Mrs. Neena (Hindi Lecturer).
Nukkad Natak, spread the awareness about the problems faced by the women in today's world and it grabbed the attention of the audience. Mime was performed by the PUC students about child labour (बालमजदूरी) and it attracted the audience.
Chief Guest praised all the programs performed by the students. He was enthralled and spellbound by the fluency of the Hindi language spoken by the GRV PU students. Chief Guest also gave a motivational speech about women empowerment and importance of Hindi Divas. He urged everyone to feel proud of a language which has very deep roots, spoken by more than 56% of Indian population and happen to be India's official language also. Prizes were distributed to the Winners of various Hindi Divas Competitions. The celebration concluded with a positive note.